Helping People Become Fully Invested
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Built From Experience
This program has been built by discovering what truly works. With over two decades in the personal finance industry, Peter has worked in banking, consulting, investment management, HR benefits, and financial wellness. He has helped build three previous financial wellness programs which has led to this penultimate program that incorporates everything he's wanted to provide to those seeking financial independence.
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Peter Waitzman
As Seen On
Focus On Four Common Needs
A Good Job
Wellness starts with purpose and income found in a "good" job. The definition is different for everyone, but the attributes are largely the same. Expedition Money will help you find satisfaction and balance with your job and income.
Solve Struggles
You can't see the forest through the trees when you're constantly putting out fires. If you're struggling financially, you're in a reactive mode, incapable of getting ahead or planning for the future. Expedition Money will help you stop the struggling and find surplus to build a future upon.
Guided Firsts
It's easy to tell people what they should do. But Expedition Money shows people how to do it. Especially when it's your first time buying a car, home, investment property, paying for college, or starting a business, the unknown can stop us from even trying. Expedition Money wants to walk you through these "firsts" so you can turn avoidance into accomplishment.
Create Income Stream
The key to financial independence is how to make money work for us. Even traditional retirement is saving so that you can provide yourself income in retirement. But the traditional method isn't the only method. Expedition Money will help you find the right opportunities and build a source of income so that you can have the freedom of choice.
Chasing Dreams
Changing Lives
We don't obsess about broad, generalized metrics. We want every individual to realize their own goals and dreams. We provide the framework and ideas. You provide the direction and the dreampower. Together, we climb.
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Some Of The Clients Fully Invested In Their People

Experienced Advisors
Dennis Waitzman
Financial Planner
David Flores
Insurance & Benefits Expert
AJ Tyll
HR Benefits Expert
Jill Kruckenberg
Financial Coach
Jonathan Mulhausen
Banking Strategist