Virtual Financial Coach*
Now you can get financial information whenever you're available. Meet Rex, our newest trail guide. He's our virtual financial coach. Rex may be able to get you pointed in the right direction. And if you need more assistance, schedule a call with a real financial coach to get even more detailed guidance.

*DISCLAIMER: Virtual financial coach Rex is an artificial intelligence chatbot (not a real person). This is a beta product in testing. Do not take action on any suggestions without thoroughly investigating whether it is appropriate for you. Use of Rex should be for informational and entertainment purposes. Rex is a work-in-progress and may provide incorrect information. Your communications with Rex are recorded and available to the staff of Expedition Money for training, quality assurance, and development purposes and are not shared with anyone outside of the organization. By using Rex, you acknowledge that anything provided is for informational purposes only and is not a suggestion, counsel, or advice. You agree to release Expedition Money LLC and any of its representatives from any actions that you take due to your interaction with Rex.
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